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Quick wins in shooting

I'll start off with some personal news this time. I'm very excited to join very soon the Ángeles de Ciudad de México as their head coach in the CIBACOPA league! The league is known for its intense game schedule, often…


“The youth of today …”

🇪🇸 Haga clic aquí para la versión en español “Today’s youth is lazy …”“Today’s youth doesn’t know how to persist …”“Today’s youth is bored quickly …”“Today’s youth doesn’t have the same love for the game …”“ … “ Do these…


“La juventud de hoy …”

“La juventud de hoy es perezosa…” “La juventud de hoy no sabe persistir…” “La juventud de hoy se aburre rápidamente…” “La juventud de hoy no tiene el mismo amor por el juego…” “…” ¿Te suenan familiares estas citas? Puedes recogerlos…


Why do we run plays?

Since the rise of social media, coaches share a lot of information worldwide. Which has made the game grow.  No doubt. However, the kind of information mostly shared ... are X's and O's. It's a main reason why I see…


Looking for some gamewinning wrinkles?

For most of us, the most important games of the season are around the corner. That's also the moment where little wrinkles and surprises to your playbook can make the difference. Therefore, I'm sending you 5 of the best quickhitters I've…

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